Wenonah Lyon in bits and bytes
Wenonah's Lobby
Online Publications 2008
Berlin Unlikely2.0 (Reprinted in cityLit series, Berlin Oxygen Books: 2009)
Fiction 2001 - 2007
A Christmas Present for Joaquin Orchard Press Online Mystery Magazine Dec. 2001
Cosmologies In Possie Review 2002
The Travelling Girl flashquake Fiction 1/6/02
Betting the Family Farm Quantum Muse 4/06/02 (sold for download by escapepod, 2007)
My Pet Vampire Gator Springs Gazette - BLOOD MOUSTACHE - October 2002
The Christmas Dinner Gator Springs Gazette - THE QUILT - 2002
On the Way to Nashville The Dead Mule 2003
Yo! Banana Boy Gator Springs Gazette - INNOCENTS ABROAD - 2003
True Lies The Dead Mule 2004
Poppies Gator Springs Gazette 2005
April Fool Quantum Muse 2006
Box The Write Side Up Issue 8 2007
"Workers accept the risk by the nature of their job, they accept it willingly and hopefully they are paid for it," says Steven Simon, a health physicist at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland. "You don't have the same opportunities to protect them [as the general public], because they agreed to go into a high-risk place." (Science Insider, published by Science, on risk to Japanese nuclear workers) http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/
Other Writing
"Mangoes and Roses"
first prize, short story contest, Yosemite Writers Convention, August 2004
Frigg: A Magazine of Fiction and Poetry Winter 2004
Online Non-fiction
CSAC Studies in Anthropology Vol 11 1996
Social Context and the Limits on Symbolic Meanings EthnoGraphics Gallery
Academic Publications
"Another Way of Being British: Ethnicity and South Asians in England" 1997 Negotiating Multiculturalism in Europe: Collective Identities and the Politics of Representation. ed. Tariq Modood and Pnina Werbner. Berg Press: London.
"Household size strategies in an urban community in Pakistan", 1996, with M. D. Fischer. Family and Gender in Pakistan: Domestic Organization in a Muslim Society, ed Hastings Donnan, Hindustan Press: New Delhi.
"Islam and Islamic Women in Britain." 1995. Women: A Cultural Review: 6.1
Social Context and the Limits on Symbolic Meanings, 1994. in Ethnographics Gallery 1A, WWW//http:lucy.ukc.ac.uk/Tradition/Vaka.html.
"Transformations of a Body of Knowledge: Medical Practice in Lahore", 1991 Economy and Culture in Pakistan, eds. H. Donnan & P. Werbner, Macmillan.
"Description and Fieldwork Methodology: Marriage, Kinship and Friendship in Urban Punjab", with M. Fischer. 1992, Journal of Quantitative Anthropology.
"Pakistan", 1990,Women's Encyclopedia III, ed. Helen Tierney (revised edition to appear in 1996.)